Thursday 29 December 2011


I'm currently procrastinating (As if I'd be doing anything else.) and I have decided that in the new year, if it really is going to be my last I shall actually try.

This year was a disappointment. I didn't expect much from it to begin with but for me it didn't go swell, I want to try and 'change' not like physically (although I wouldn't mind a few inches taller) but emotionally and motivationally.
I will do things I resisted, was too scared to do before. I will walk into the unknown and as Plato put forward 'You cannot unsee what you have seen.' I want to culture my brain, enhance it's fantastic-ness and find what I can do to it's best possibility.

I looked at last year's conclusion to the year. I learned the hard way that I DO NOT work harder but I am now urging myself to work and slowly ever so achingly slowly I am.

So 2012, what do you say? You gonna be my year?

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 20 December 2011

That time of Season.

It's a festive time of year and my font keeps trying to BOLD itself so I give up and let it be bold.
Yes it's the time of year to wrap presents, decorate your house, and have a fantastic time with those you love. (or maybe just like)
I am a secret tag lover and so when I saw this I had to do it :D

1. What is your favourite holiday movie?
I don't actually know. I watch films all year round. I'm going to watch It's a Wonderful Life this year so if all goes well I shall make it that :)

2. What is your favourite Christmas colour?
RED or GOLD or PURPLE. All of them together me thinks.

3. Do you like to stay in your pjs or get dressed up for Christmas?
Well it depends if I go to Midnight mass or the actual christmas day service, also where I am. But usually I'll spend the morning in my pj's then get dressed after a while.

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
One person!? Oh dear me ummm I'd probs buy a member of my family a present which just so happens to be able to be shared around for everyone else.

5. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas Day. My Sister and I almost battle it out to see who can last the longest with wrapped presents so it often drags out to Boxing day. Needless to say I always lose.

6. Have you ever built a gingerbread house?
Once but not around Christmas, it broke... I have mad gingerbread SKILLZ

7. What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
This is a what would you like and what do you actually do.
Hmm I'd like to spend it with Family and Friends. Making food and making my house look festive and such.
What I actually do? Mad rush for presents, revise, homework, tidy the house. Not very festive :L

8. Any Christmas wishes?
I'll save those for the new year.

9. Favourite Christmas smell?
The fire (well my Autumn/Winter smell.) and the smell of Mulled wine. ANOMNOMNOMNOM.

10. Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Without a doubt Roasted Chestnuts. I LOVE THESE BABIES. Could eat them all day fo sho'.

Ciao ;)

Saturday 3 December 2011

Brickwalls are Bitches.

People in their lifetime face many brickwalls stopping them from their destinations and possible adventures that await. For me I must admit I face many minor brickwalls that all merge into one and that brickwall is confidence.
Confidence, or courage is something I have lacked in all my life. My baby brickwall that has grown with me into a towering 10ft tall goodness knows long wall.
It has stopped me from too many things, and yet even though I know I lack in it I am yet to conquer my quandary, why? I'm too scared to.
I don't know which film it's from but I must engrave into my brain my own version 'To conquer confidence, I must become confident.'

Lest we not forget wise words from Walt...

I am going to try and conquer my wall, maybe not soon but one day I will. When will you?

Lets have a random happy lion. Lightens the atmosphere.

I am going to try and conquer my wall, maybe not soon but one day I will.

When will you?

Ciao ;)

Sunday 27 November 2011

Lovely Days

Today has been a lovely little adventure for me.

First off I got on the train to the capital London and whilst looking for a seat on the train saw Russell Howard and his broken hand.
Then t'was off to Liberty's whereupon we went to the Christmas section...I don't think there is a better place to get you in the mood for christmas than Liberty's ^_^ Got a pretty Bauble and someone's birthday present, tis be a silly thing if they are reading this so don't be to high hoped ;)
Off to Marylebone for the overground to first stop Wembley. My train thing was to pass Little Kimble :D
Then for the main point of the trip to see the Spanish Riding School of Vienna. BEAUTIFUL. My favourite part though was their mascot which is a lipizzaner which never turned white (I point out now that lipizzaner's are the only breed/horse which can be a white colour) and so he was a glorious bay colour.
As special guest there was also Carl Hester and Lee Pearson who will hopefully represent Great Britain in the Olympic and Paralympic games.
Such talent from all, rather inspiring if I'm honest.

Considering what I did today I thought that I should put up my favourite classical or in the composers idea 'furniture mover' piece.
It is by Erik Satie and is called Gymnopédie No.2.
All three of Satie's Gymnopédies are lovely but this is the (in my mind) most beautiful. For me it is incredibly relaxing and.... well yes I love it very much. For an amazing version click here.

Ciao ;)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Past Notions

Ho Hum donnie know what more to do in the world of procrastination apart from actual work but then whyyyyyyy. In a serious work low right now have no piZAZ in my worky world.

Found ^^ in my drafts, made me laugh, Oh I'm hilarious!!! No? No one agree?

I actually did work today, revised and stuff. Proud if I'm honest, that side of me never wins :D
Fuck Yea face would appear here but I don't want to go overboard with the memes.

Also found this ↓ In my drafts last song for at least one post I promise!! I only say one because I'm planning to put up a song about a snowman because it makes me smile and chistmassy.
Enjoy the greatness that is Chiddy Bang with Ray Charles.
This also makes me smile.

Ciao ;)

Whaling pain from Peasant's

Made a pillow at the weekend ^_^ it has a whale on it.
I don't have any tipex though so the whale doesn't have a face and I lost the tiny water droplets I made so it's spout is water-less but meh. I MADE SOMETHING. Considering my skills are about as good as my adoration of woodlice I am a tiny bit pleased with my self :D

Hmmm fell onto a triangle chair thing today and now have a lovely and painful bruise forming on my booteh. But no srsly pain.

Peasant - The End ^_^ Gis a listen

Ciao ;)

No I can't be that guy

Mornin' Loveys,
SO vas hapenin'?

Okedokes so recently I was x-men first class and whilst watching it I said that the plane thing looked like a woodlouse...

The flicky bit and the end of it's shell. Can't anyone else see it? I mean it does look like another bug but I can't place what that bug is :/

I would like to inform people now that googling pictures of woodlice.... *shivers*
If I were to go onto that old tv show where you had to face your biggest fear to win the money idk what it was called but my challenge would probs be to sit in a bath of woodlice for half an hour. Just seeing one kills me.

Avalanche City - Love Love Love
Tres coot ^_^

Ciao ;)

Keep feeding the world with words

Holllaaa, so we have a day off today due to acedemic mentoring and shizzle but anyhoo should be a good day nonetheless.

SO hmm how did my acedemic Mentoring go? Discovered my mother is feeding my father with words about me. 'Thea feels that she needs critical and analytical techniques and developments'...'Is to late for exam technique?'
I don't remember feeling that, I remember my mother saying it outside my 'soundproof' walls though. If you feel I need development tell ME not someone else and also check my work don't assume I'm shit at it.

Apart from that I'm okedokes, well I got a lovely cold which changes it's feelings on to be happy or not but meh.

The Art of Sleeping - Colourblind. Very good in my eyes

Ciao ;)


So what do I say? Well that I have recently learnt how to put sings onto a blog post but putting multiple ones on is not in my knowledge so in each post it might be about that song or to accompany the innards of the post.
I have a smashing lot to come which I do very much like :]

SO to start off lets have The Paper Kites with Featherstone...
I feel like I'm on a music shoe or something ^_^

Hope you like it.

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 8 November 2011



So like there is this T-shirt by my most favourite ever designer and I love him and his house to the ends of the earth and this T-shirt is no exception AND IT'S ON SALE.
It's a normal price!!!!! Like totally fangirling right here, did you guess?

But I don't want to put it on my Christmas list because it's still the price of a normal top.....BUT IT IS SO PRETTY....AND ON SALE.

GHAHHH Clothes obssesed girl problems right here.

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Handwriting tag :]

I'm an idiot who's picture wont rotate so click on it to make it bigger and try not to get too big a crook in your neck...

Ciao ;)

Thursday 20 October 2011

But it's so cosy here!!

Blreuuuuugh I feel so illllll
Tehehe, I remind myself of some people but srsly guyes :(
I went to have a nap at eight thinking 'Take a nap and then have some soup.' I then woke up at seven!! Eleven hours ELEVEN I never sleep that long, I want to stay in bed, watch some pink panther strikes again, read Parisian chic and sleep but I have to pack and finish my room up for Grandad to arrive later.
guhuh. Anyone know where that is from? ;)

So yeah I've posted alot recently (well, more than usual) and I thought today should be no exception so yupyup here is a le crys post.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Haven't you heard i'm stuck on a verse

Today is a groggy day in the way of well being but the actual day was gut due to it being pink day :D
So this is another edition of: A few of my Lust/Love/Need/Want/Wish items

*I point out now it's really if I was endless in money I'd buy these I will never (sadly) own item*

Lets start with things that are not clothes we have this cushion from Cath Kidston tis be the Boat Cushion and at £16.00 it's an alright price but I don't think it'll be in my room very soon :(

This has been on my blog before this loveleh pillow from ye olde Jack Wills, it's £19.00 so much like the CK pillow on this one :( Maybe if I have money maybe. The picture is craap because they have changed their page and I can't remember the name either. I'm so good at this...
Next up to full fill my crazy candle needs this Candy Corn candle from yankee candle. I weeeealy want to smell this and try candy corn in my life but neither is happening anytime soon because I have no idea where I could get either :(

From Lush this time and we move on to an excited reunion. I lovelovelovelovelove Cinders and look forward to bombing my bath with it again ^_^ And at £1.95 I think I could find that in my pocket somewhere.

Moving more towards clothes we move onto this beauty of a bag from Topshop. Currently in the sale if I were to ever actually consider buying this I'd have to snap it up quick because at £12.00 I don't think it'll be around for much longer!!

Still in that Topshop but we moved onto the nail varnish section and what did we stumble upon? Why only Butterscotch Babe!! At a self explanatory Butterscotch colour it (to me) is DELISH if I go to topshop I might just add this £5.00 baby to my shopping bag.

Now we are actually in clothes!! Lets get Pull&Bear done shall we? We have two tops and some jeans. Need to casually pop down to London town for these!! Look at these Jeans, <3 £19.00 as well not to shabby compared to some prices around. It's teatime with you is £15.00 sosososo pretty to me. The vest is £7.00 I have to many blue vests though so I shouldn't but I really want it!!

Oh hai H&M I nearly bought this £9.99 t-shirt the last time I was in Bath but sadly I told myself otherwise and I regret it quite so :( Just look at it!! The colour is so LAVELY.

The penultimate item is this babe the Gold Crest/Sky Haze Striped Rugby and at £17.50 I might actually get this I do love it so I mean the colours are so preeetty

Lastly is possibly my favourite and also the one I am least likely to buy :( But it it this Rampant Sporting Hoodie in a Deep Plum it is deeeviiine. However a catch it is £65 LE CRYSSS it is a stonking colour and I know the quality would be upmost but I could never bring my self to buy it. Wait for the sale I guess.

So that's that and I shall end this post with a *sigh* and stare dreamily at all of the items here

Song of the day: Your song by Kate Walsh

Ignore the actual video listen to the music <3
Ciao ;)

Saturday 15 October 2011

Doing what women do.

So I think people might know that I am a British lass and as most people do I love makin' cupcakes.
So naturally I combined (with Hummingbird help) Earl grey Tea cupcakes :D

Sorry about camera quality but hopefully once I eat them for myself I shall update and say what they are like :] So far people like them but I shall be the judge of that!!

So I ate them and my verdict is that they need more tea in them, although I discovered that my dear Papah took the brewing tea out twenty minutes early because he was worried of stewing it, although a kind gesture I think next time we'll leave it in for the full 30 minutes to really get some flavour.
Although initially very concerned with the very runny consistency of the batter, it created a nice spongy effect.
My papah helped make the icing because I was worried I was missing butter and he did a fantastic job, the icing was amazing ^_^ I'd put a little more butter in than the recipe says so tho' because it was a tiny bit more icing sugary than I feel it should have been :)

Overall ANOMNOMNOMNOMNOM shall be making these again fo sho'

Ciao ;)

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Philosphical thinking,dankeschön,BFL

So my little blog what news do I bring...nat a lat. BUT well ugh R.S. essays are so hard to write >__< I mean I finally finished it but I truly think it was shoite. OH WELL c'est la vie.

Hmm so somehing called my birthday happened :D Thank you to everyone who got me something, you really shouldn't have but thank you sosososo much for doing so anyways ^_^

Ears feel like a different voice? Benjamin Francis Leftwich. Just beautiful. Here is one of my favourites Pictures

Hopefully this works if not go for the link above :)

Ciao ;)

Thursday 29 September 2011

Let Nothing You Dismay.

These hearts and these words,
They say that we were alive.
We were here.
That is to say on a day,
like yesterday or yesterday a hundred years ago.
We were there together.
Our eyelashes,our hair, our smiles,
our mouths, our dreams and wishes,
our toes, our eyes, our thoughts.
They were!!
They are!! They always will be...

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Now that is shocking.

Ok ok I forgot to use my dad's laptop or get him to put wedding photos on le visage livre soo
that one might take a while..

Hmm posty posty what to post, well guess what I started cleaning my room, one of those things I meant to do is being done :D yusssssss

Today I went to Braeside to help little year sevens out on the equipment and under logs blindfolded. I was a brave person and then jumped off 'The Leap of Faith' AND caught the bar. All in a days work for a sixth former. OH yah that thing, been going to sixth form for a month (really? probs wrong) It's all right, I have frees and get to wear my own clothes annnnd nail varnish, although I haven't used that one yet 'cause I've only worn nudey colours due to weddings and such.

I want to learn a different language and not just one w
here all I can say is 'Hello my name is Thea and I am 16 years old.' I want to actually understand and know what people are saying. Might as well go to wales live with Welsh speaking people and learn welsh. But if I get too scared I can run home because it's not too far (ish) from home. Before you all say 'Hang on, Thea? The girl who calls most thing effort wants to learn things outside of compulsion!?' Yuppp ;) although it will probably never happen but it is a wish.

To cheer us up from my lack of other knowledge here is a turtle (or tortoise) eating a strawberry.

It's so coot.

Ciao ;)

Sunday 25 September 2011

On the floooorr

So new post :DD
In my head I have the song from the diet coke advert.. ahem... 'She's a maniac MAINAC on the flooooor'
and I've been to lots of lovely weddings lately (ahem two) I might write back later on this post I hope soo showing ya'll what I wore and shurrt because it's something to bring colour to le blog than just words across a screen.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Farewell Cameraa

So today my camera, the camera who beat all expectations, took amazing photos for family, birthdays and so much more has finally gone the way of all things....WHAHHHHH :(
My dear baby camera has died!!

To commerate le Cameras memory this tune goes up, >Tis be here< (sorry about it being a link Idon't know how to make le video appear :( ) Just imagine Jim Broadbents voice saying what he says for Aragog but for Camera. Along with the tune some of it's best pictures.

Ciao ;)

Thursday 1 September 2011

Watchmaker Analogy, blah blaj

Well that post a week thing was a complete misery BUT I've finished my R.S. just need to finish everything else.

Oh did I mention school starts tomorrow?

Yeah Bart that didn't work out to well.

Ciao ;)

Saturday 20 August 2011

I'm baaaack :D But I got whatever my sister had but a tad worse and feel like Imma upchuck my weight and somewhat more.
Some book reviews are ready, and a long boring one about the land of oh Cornwall.

OH, I need a name for my book reviews, feel free to suggest anything :D

ciao ;)

Saturday 13 August 2011

I'm going to Cornwall for a week today so thus this post a day is naat gonna happen for a while.
Anyhoo I've haven't packed yet D: help meh Lord to pack very very quickly and easily!!

This one will be short since I really have to pack!!!

Ciao ;)

If I have time I'll try to do another :]

Friday 12 August 2011

So much

This counts as the 12th of August post because i haven't' been on the computer all day, I've been cleaning. SO MUCH CLEANING. I feel like the cocaine cat, I can't handle the cleaning.
It'was all for a woman who didn't even stay round but either way my house is now freakishly clean...apart from my room because it's on the bottom floor so all spare crap that people can see gets shoved in there.
I'm not packed for holiday yet. You ask when do you go? TODAY!!!! I shall have to wake up at seven latest to pack, at least the minimal sleep that's good enough for you because I need energy for tomorrow.

Oh btw here is cocaine cat:

Ciao ;)

Thursday 11 August 2011


I've been reading a bit more than usual as of late and thought I caould do some books reviews :D
I'm currently re-reading books and then throwing them away as I have to many books on my bookcases in my room, also if I was to ever want a new bookcase I'd need to throw some out so there wasn't an explosion of more books in my house.

I might start today but I know that the first book I shall review is The Chaos Code by Justin Richards.

Ciao (for now) ;)

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Just like skins I work better in the uk

So my second post ey eyyy, don't get too proud Thea.

Thought I should share this video of a sunset, it is rather pretty if I say so.

I cut my thumb on a nail file yesterday, how stuuupid can you get!? Anyways I've decided that I want to extend the neck on a t-shirt I have because it is chocking my neck off a tad.

Casually played James Bond until one this morn with my sister. I how I love James Bond bar Nightfire, Everything or nothing is the best game we have. Sadly though Nightfire has died from over use and age :(

Hrmm need a song for the day....Since Hoodie Allen is so flyyyy I shall choose two of them;
Flipping out and James Franco

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Challenges and fontal issues.

Okay, guys, guys hey guys guess what. I should try and do a post a day apart from the fact my phone doesn't do blogger I would do this whilst on holiday, and the fact it's the 9th. I could be mean and say 'Nine posts ALL today to catch up.' *Looking really peppy and pigtailed hair* Whereupon you guys say 'Whaaat!? Go away Thea. Your never even on here. GAWWD' Also sweardown my font has changed Imma try change this. Yayyyy Arial :D I guess this is like Helvetica. The best font in my eyes.

I could do some recipes for ya'll I love cooking in my apron and such ^_^

Okedokes then sweetpeas, a post day if I don't do it I should get a punishment of some sorts not sure what tho' (suggestions?)

Ciao ;)

Rooms, niet, neigh, cooking, and procrastination.

Whilst my unfinished posts fill up (and are likely never to post being me) I really have not done much or have much to post about. I would do a review but I have no idea on what to review. Maybe my room cleaning skills? After the havoc of Uncles and wife around ohh and ahhing on whether to stay the night my room ended up with my room in a state of 'You had your chance to sleep in here but you lost it.' a.k.a. 'Since I moved it all around so much it's a tip.'
My review on that would be neit points of moi.
Finn went to the vets a few weeks ago, he is 'ight I guess :/ He had an injection so lets hope it does him good. :]
Me and Procrastination are getting along again like the firm friends we are. Avoiding EVERYTHING.
I've taken to finding lots of recipes to do, I just hope that is procrastinations holiday spot or I will NEVER do them.

I go on holiday on Sunday (or saturday I have no idea)

I feel sorry for my little neglected blog :(

ciao ;)

Sunday 24 July 2011

I'm lucky, I may not notice it but I am. I'm lucky enough to have a life that is not hassled by serious things. I mean I have a boring life but in some ways that's the best life to have sometimes.

I have flaws, I may want to ignore them but they make me who I am, for better or ,as a flaw is often, for worse. People detest them but I feel we should embrace them because they make us a tiny bit different to those we know.

I have Worries, I worry a lot about my future, the outcomes, the now. I worry when I'm nervous the most. I need for just one day not worry but then again worrying is a flaw so I must in essence embrace it.

I am who I am.

Friday 22 July 2011

'I want to be apart of B.A. Buenos Aries'

Oh hallo therr,

WELL not a lot is happening for me or the bits in the 'higher' life that are interesting at the moment. I went to Leeds for a week and saw EVITA.
I've had two lyrics in my head ever since; 'Evita Peron. duw duw duw duw duw duw.' I can't find the song.
and I'm not a huuge fan of this version but
Eva and Magaldi/Eva Beware Of The City.

The singer for Another Suitcase In Another Hall was amazing.

Monday 27 June 2011

Starting making trouble in the neighbourhood.

I've got about a billion and one things I've been meaning to post but still I forget!!
It's been a month since my last day of schule and thank goodness because I'd hate to wear niform in this weather. Mehehehehehe.
Last exam was today :D Germain it t'was and I'm so glad they are all over ^_^

I've been making foods and eating foods alot more since freedom, and I've eaten Kisses. I billion nomnomnomnomnomnonms for these. Although they taste similar to my version but less rocky, so I could make more for cheaper but meh.

Referring to the making, I made Strawberry Lemonade, Loco hot cocoa (hot chocolate) and fries, more but I cannie remember. I don't have a picture of the others apart from Strawberry Lemonade. I might have to put the recipe up on here because I looove it muchosly.

And I saw this picture while looking for the other two and thought meh why not. This is from Sainsburys(?) or Waitrose(?) patisserie and it was yummeh.

I've also watched plenty a film which is most enjoyed :D And Harry potter things (The pictures is what I mean.) But I've shown you a plenty so I shall try to post less of them!!

Probs posted this before.. The others however not.
Sorry Nina.....

Love this one muchos, and it expertly brings me onto my Saturday whereupon I went to the Globe to see Much Ado about nothing. Extremely good and seriously entertaining. The actors involved the audience and was such a laugh. The bird which ended up being jokely put into the play flew into my face :L Now you probs wonder what the hull has the fresh prince of Bel-Air got to do with Much ado about nothing WELL the father in the play was none other than Joseph Marcell the English butler Geoffrey in FPOB-A!!! Meeeeep.
Before it began we had kill time so we went to the Tate Gallery and went into the shop and literally the first thing I saw was this:

A Miffy colouring book!!!! I LOVE Miffy she is my childhood favourites and the aouther & Artist Dick Bruna's inspirations is Henrie Matisse which is one of mine too ^_^ Serious love for this book.

So thats been life for a while.

Ciao ;)

Monday 20 June 2011


I am just about ready to scream on top of a hill at how annoying my mother is being recently. I know that 'teenagers are supposed to hate their mothers' but right now I am just enraged by her.

First off, Finn. You guys might know him as my horse well we rode him in a lesson for the first time since his operation in November. My instructor said he wasn't as good as he thought he'd be and my mother has taken this as if Finns can't walk. No shit Jeremy's going to think that he hasn't seen Finn since his operation and he can only guess at his progress. Her constant 'Will he be sound? Will he recover? Will he be the same? Will we this and that?' STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS. I know that Finn will be fine but healing doesn't happen in a day. Sometimes not even a year so GET OVER IT.
But the worst was that yesterday she said can we be bothered? Can We Be Bothered CAN WE BE BOTHERED!? I happen to care about my horse and I am bothered to help him. How dare you say that! Would you say that about a human injury? No!
Then on the way home she said 'I have been positive about this all the way through' What a fucking lie right there. Every week you have been 'Will he be ok?' You need a new problem EVERY day you have be far from positive, you're the most negative woman I know.

Today after my German exam I go onto le computer and I see a mail from her. It says booked hair and make-up! WTF I never asked for that I DON'T WANT THAT. She said 'I asked for ringlet type thing' RINGLETS I want to look nice not like a fucking Georgian doll. AAHHHHHH, no question, no consultation she just does it. I don't need to pay to have my hair curled I had asked Nina, which my mother KNEW and does it anyway.

I don't like shouting at people spesh my mother because my mother is a bitch if someone stands up to he, but if she's not careful I might just do so.
Sorry about this but my chest feels lighter.

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Been meaning to do one of these since Wednesday whereupon I ended schule :D

Monday 23 May 2011

Big ole' nadda

Theres this house on the way to the stables which has a skate ramp. It looks sickkk man I really wanna knock on the door and be like 'Excuse me I couldn't help seeing your amazing ramp, can I go on it?' I can't skate, bike (I can but I fall off whenever I get on) or do anything of the ramp kind but I LOVE this ramp.

So some exams tomrrah pfft yeah......... ahem.....

So many bands playing that I want to see ghaaahhh

Same here Belle same here...

Meep. I want this as a necklace really badly ^_^

Ignore the woman she isn't relevant to the picture, I love this lion and his IDGAF attitude.

This is WAY to relevant in my life.

Why can't my clothes be like these? All uber cool like and such.
