Thursday 11 August 2011


I've been reading a bit more than usual as of late and thought I caould do some books reviews :D
I'm currently re-reading books and then throwing them away as I have to many books on my bookcases in my room, also if I was to ever want a new bookcase I'd need to throw some out so there wasn't an explosion of more books in my house.

I might start today but I know that the first book I shall review is The Chaos Code by Justin Richards.

Ciao (for now) ;)


  1. Post a list of the books you don't want any more to see if people want them before you throw them away! One should never throw away books :)

  2. I've read Chasing Harry Winston. But I don't think you'd want that book Jaye, a feminine book :L

    If you like the sound of the reviews people should say if they'd like it or to borrow it [:

