Monday 19 March 2012

'Aint waiting all night

My dear lord am I in a lack of motivation.
You know when a week is just going to sap all of the energy out of you and by Friday you're just going to the remnants in a pile asleep. I can already tell you that this is going to be this week. I have been working all evening and I have come out with nothing finished. FREAKIN' NOTHING. It's only nearly 8:00 and I already feel like I'm about to fall asleep any moment. WHYYYYYY!?!?

I just need a hug or something, maybe cocoa related. arrrgh can't tomorrow be a surprise td-day?
I'm also having a power struggle to work or watch Iron man. But it'll probably end up as neither and going on le internets 'cause I'm such an internet nerd. Plus the big drawback is my computer isn't move-able. My internal struggle has decided iron man shall be tomorrow and I can watch it with le sister. She doesn't know this yet.

Like leegit I don't want to finish this post because I will have to work on this power point and the thing is I've worked on most of the night on this an done one slide. Only one out of five. I mean I have four to go but EHHH.

On happier things I have Ray Charles by Chiddy Bang in my head which is makin' me smile ^_^
I don't care if I've had it on before it deserves to be appearing again.
