Tuesday 27 September 2011

Now that is shocking.

Ok ok I forgot to use my dad's laptop or get him to put wedding photos on le visage livre soo
that one might take a while..

Hmm posty posty what to post, well guess what I started cleaning my room, one of those things I meant to do is being done :D yusssssss

Today I went to Braeside to help little year sevens out on the equipment and under logs blindfolded. I was a brave person and then jumped off 'The Leap of Faith' AND caught the bar. All in a days work for a sixth former. OH yah that thing, been going to sixth form for a month (really? probs wrong) It's all right, I have frees and get to wear my own clothes annnnd nail varnish, although I haven't used that one yet 'cause I've only worn nudey colours due to weddings and such.

I want to learn a different language and not just one w
here all I can say is 'Hello my name is Thea and I am 16 years old.' I want to actually understand and know what people are saying. Might as well go to wales live with Welsh speaking people and learn welsh. But if I get too scared I can run home because it's not too far (ish) from home. Before you all say 'Hang on, Thea? The girl who calls most thing effort wants to learn things outside of compulsion!?' Yuppp ;) although it will probably never happen but it is a wish.

To cheer us up from my lack of other knowledge here is a turtle (or tortoise) eating a strawberry.

It's so coot.

Ciao ;)