Friday 3 August 2012

Perchance to dream

So it is my godmothers birthday soon and when asked what she wanted for her birthday she said macaroons. I've made them once before and they actually turned out alright! So I'm going to give it another shot and hopefully it'll work again.
I love cooking, which since I am a girl you might think be typical BUT no I just really enjoy it and if I could I would make a shop and sell cakes, muffins, macaroons, all sorts from buns to bread to sandwiches I guess I really would love to do it. However I don't think I could do it alone and would need to go into partner with someone in order to create it and it couldn't be a random person who would be in it just for the business it'd have to be someone who loved the idea as much as I do and can picture it in their head as clearly as I can.

But yeah watch this space ;) My dad doesn't want me doing it because it wont bring in the money but in reality I think I could survive just doing what I love and having enough money to buy the necessary things of life like the bills and food. Maybe that is optimisim (a nice change) but we'll have to wait and see!!

Next song is by Toots and the Maytals - Funky Kingston. Sound familiar? Theme song to Miami ink right here and a reggee tune to beat no other!! Makes me happy and smile hence it being here.

For now though enjoy and,
Ciao ;)

Sing me a song

I had wanted to put a song which I've had in my head for a while and I love but the only bit I remember with words are 'hello hello' and I can't sing into a computer and I can't find it on my spotify AT ALL however during my search I remembered a bunch of songs which haven't played on my spotify for a long while and are now going to see the light through this little blog :)

Firstly is Kaki King - Close to me. This used to be on a skin advert I cannie remember which but yeah made me smile when it came on :)

Now I'm not sure whether to lump them all together or to have them as seperate songs in blog posts like last time. There are five others so that would mean a more active blog I guess.

Till next time with another song...
Ciao ;)