Sunday 19 August 2012

"BEWARE" the sign on the door suggests.

    So I've made a cake from my friends birthday and I just hope they like it because well lets just say some of it is pink and I wanted it to be red.

However watching India Jones because why not? It's not the best of them but eh I enjoy to watch it :)

I feel bad because it's the summer holidays and I haven't done any homework yet which if any teacher ever saw this might shake their head in shame. But oh well I'll get there EVENTUALLY... I guess ;)

However I did get my results um ALL THE RETAKES ;) No not for everything in some I did alright even good but in others...le sigh. But my family were surprisingly understanding. I think they've accepted I'm not accademically achieving which considering all sides of my family it is a joy for them to understand. Yet even so you can feel the evident disappointment in the air and the frantic cogs turning to think what I can do that'll be respectable and doesn't need a degree because lets face it I'm smart enough to know 'Maybe in a year or two' is 'shiiitt she can't get into Uni.'

Ces't la vie? Unfortunately yes whatever happens it wont wait for me to get better.

ANYEEWAYYY... Los Campesinos! - Death To Los Campesinos! here with some happy tune sillyness which for some reason cheers me up, can wuhohoh to very easily to and dance like a loon on loon tablet to quoteh Georgia Nicolson.


This post has no bulk to it but then again nothing in my life does so this fits perfectly I guess.
Ciao ;)