Friday 31 December 2010

A Vague overview.

Ask me what happened this year and straight off I'd say 'Not a lot.' but then I'd think to myself 'What did happen this year?' and go deeper into myself and realize alot did happen this year and that 'Not a lot.' probably saved you alot of time.
This year started off like 2009 ended on a high I was living a good life with good friends and family, moving further into 2010 I've encountered losses and gains, a mediocre Battle, change, replacements, missed people and have had to accept that change is inevitable.
I'm now prepared a little more for the future than I was as I have grown in person more this year than I think I have before. I'm more confident than ever before, however I think easier to break but quicker to regain a strong face.
I've learnt how to deal with emotions straight off and can evaluate things quicker in my head.
I wish most to continue grow like this and yet change into a cleaner person who DOES/WILL work harder at things in life.

So all in all thank you 2010 for changing me into the person I currently am, although I have lost some qualities I am hopefully gaining new that have a good outcome.

I say goodbye with open arms and shall reflect on this year with good and bad memories .

Ciao :)

Putting the past behind

I hope this works, the last two or three posts I've tried to do have had errors so I'm not sure whether or not this will work.

So for the last two days I've been cleaning my room and with that it includes getting rid of some clothes, yesterday I had the joy or t-shirts. So in total I had six t-shirts I might throw out:

Then I see what it looks like with shorts and two skirts (this time a Black netted skirts and a floral tulip skirt) and decide whether it's a stay and a nay. I only took pictures with shorts because otherwise this would be a HUGE post.
*Ignore the mess behind me, I did this very early on in the cleaning process*

In the end I decided to keep the Mr Slushy tee as it looked ok and still fit me.

Tell me whether you think I made the right choice and what you think of the t-shirts
Ciao ;)