Friday 31 December 2010

A Vague overview.

Ask me what happened this year and straight off I'd say 'Not a lot.' but then I'd think to myself 'What did happen this year?' and go deeper into myself and realize alot did happen this year and that 'Not a lot.' probably saved you alot of time.
This year started off like 2009 ended on a high I was living a good life with good friends and family, moving further into 2010 I've encountered losses and gains, a mediocre Battle, change, replacements, missed people and have had to accept that change is inevitable.
I'm now prepared a little more for the future than I was as I have grown in person more this year than I think I have before. I'm more confident than ever before, however I think easier to break but quicker to regain a strong face.
I've learnt how to deal with emotions straight off and can evaluate things quicker in my head.
I wish most to continue grow like this and yet change into a cleaner person who DOES/WILL work harder at things in life.

So all in all thank you 2010 for changing me into the person I currently am, although I have lost some qualities I am hopefully gaining new that have a good outcome.

I say goodbye with open arms and shall reflect on this year with good and bad memories .

Ciao :)

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