Tuesday 20 December 2011

That time of Season.

It's a festive time of year and my font keeps trying to BOLD itself so I give up and let it be bold.
Yes it's the time of year to wrap presents, decorate your house, and have a fantastic time with those you love. (or maybe just like)
I am a secret tag lover and so when I saw this I had to do it :D

1. What is your favourite holiday movie?
I don't actually know. I watch films all year round. I'm going to watch It's a Wonderful Life this year so if all goes well I shall make it that :)

2. What is your favourite Christmas colour?
RED or GOLD or PURPLE. All of them together me thinks.

3. Do you like to stay in your pjs or get dressed up for Christmas?
Well it depends if I go to Midnight mass or the actual christmas day service, also where I am. But usually I'll spend the morning in my pj's then get dressed after a while.

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
One person!? Oh dear me ummm I'd probs buy a member of my family a present which just so happens to be able to be shared around for everyone else.

5. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas Day. My Sister and I almost battle it out to see who can last the longest with wrapped presents so it often drags out to Boxing day. Needless to say I always lose.

6. Have you ever built a gingerbread house?
Once but not around Christmas, it broke... I have mad gingerbread SKILLZ

7. What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
This is a what would you like and what do you actually do.
Hmm I'd like to spend it with Family and Friends. Making food and making my house look festive and such.
What I actually do? Mad rush for presents, revise, homework, tidy the house. Not very festive :L

8. Any Christmas wishes?
I'll save those for the new year.

9. Favourite Christmas smell?
The fire (well my Autumn/Winter smell.) and the smell of Mulled wine. ANOMNOMNOMNOM.

10. Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Without a doubt Roasted Chestnuts. I LOVE THESE BABIES. Could eat them all day fo sho'.

Ciao ;)