Saturday 15 October 2011

Doing what women do.

So I think people might know that I am a British lass and as most people do I love makin' cupcakes.
So naturally I combined (with Hummingbird help) Earl grey Tea cupcakes :D

Sorry about camera quality but hopefully once I eat them for myself I shall update and say what they are like :] So far people like them but I shall be the judge of that!!

So I ate them and my verdict is that they need more tea in them, although I discovered that my dear Papah took the brewing tea out twenty minutes early because he was worried of stewing it, although a kind gesture I think next time we'll leave it in for the full 30 minutes to really get some flavour.
Although initially very concerned with the very runny consistency of the batter, it created a nice spongy effect.
My papah helped make the icing because I was worried I was missing butter and he did a fantastic job, the icing was amazing ^_^ I'd put a little more butter in than the recipe says so tho' because it was a tiny bit more icing sugary than I feel it should have been :)

Overall ANOMNOMNOMNOMNOM shall be making these again fo sho'

Ciao ;)