Thursday 17 November 2011

No I can't be that guy

Mornin' Loveys,
SO vas hapenin'?

Okedokes so recently I was x-men first class and whilst watching it I said that the plane thing looked like a woodlouse...

The flicky bit and the end of it's shell. Can't anyone else see it? I mean it does look like another bug but I can't place what that bug is :/

I would like to inform people now that googling pictures of woodlice.... *shivers*
If I were to go onto that old tv show where you had to face your biggest fear to win the money idk what it was called but my challenge would probs be to sit in a bath of woodlice for half an hour. Just seeing one kills me.

Avalanche City - Love Love Love
Tres coot ^_^

Ciao ;)

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