Tuesday 9 August 2011

Challenges and fontal issues.

Okay, guys, guys hey guys guess what. I should try and do a post a day apart from the fact my phone doesn't do blogger I would do this whilst on holiday, and the fact it's the 9th. I could be mean and say 'Nine posts ALL today to catch up.' *Looking really peppy and pigtailed hair* Whereupon you guys say 'Whaaat!? Go away Thea. Your never even on here. GAWWD' Also sweardown my font has changed Imma try change this. Yayyyy Arial :D I guess this is like Helvetica. The best font in my eyes.

I could do some recipes for ya'll I love cooking in my apron and such ^_^

Okedokes then sweetpeas, a post day if I don't do it I should get a punishment of some sorts not sure what tho' (suggestions?)

Ciao ;)

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