Monday 23 May 2011

Big ole' nadda

Theres this house on the way to the stables which has a skate ramp. It looks sickkk man I really wanna knock on the door and be like 'Excuse me I couldn't help seeing your amazing ramp, can I go on it?' I can't skate, bike (I can but I fall off whenever I get on) or do anything of the ramp kind but I LOVE this ramp.

So some exams tomrrah pfft yeah......... ahem.....

So many bands playing that I want to see ghaaahhh

Same here Belle same here...

Meep. I want this as a necklace really badly ^_^

Ignore the woman she isn't relevant to the picture, I love this lion and his IDGAF attitude.

This is WAY to relevant in my life.

Why can't my clothes be like these? All uber cool like and such.


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