Friday 31 December 2010

A Vague overview.

Ask me what happened this year and straight off I'd say 'Not a lot.' but then I'd think to myself 'What did happen this year?' and go deeper into myself and realize alot did happen this year and that 'Not a lot.' probably saved you alot of time.
This year started off like 2009 ended on a high I was living a good life with good friends and family, moving further into 2010 I've encountered losses and gains, a mediocre Battle, change, replacements, missed people and have had to accept that change is inevitable.
I'm now prepared a little more for the future than I was as I have grown in person more this year than I think I have before. I'm more confident than ever before, however I think easier to break but quicker to regain a strong face.
I've learnt how to deal with emotions straight off and can evaluate things quicker in my head.
I wish most to continue grow like this and yet change into a cleaner person who DOES/WILL work harder at things in life.

So all in all thank you 2010 for changing me into the person I currently am, although I have lost some qualities I am hopefully gaining new that have a good outcome.

I say goodbye with open arms and shall reflect on this year with good and bad memories .

Ciao :)

Putting the past behind

I hope this works, the last two or three posts I've tried to do have had errors so I'm not sure whether or not this will work.

So for the last two days I've been cleaning my room and with that it includes getting rid of some clothes, yesterday I had the joy or t-shirts. So in total I had six t-shirts I might throw out:

Then I see what it looks like with shorts and two skirts (this time a Black netted skirts and a floral tulip skirt) and decide whether it's a stay and a nay. I only took pictures with shorts because otherwise this would be a HUGE post.
*Ignore the mess behind me, I did this very early on in the cleaning process*

In the end I decided to keep the Mr Slushy tee as it looked ok and still fit me.

Tell me whether you think I made the right choice and what you think of the t-shirts
Ciao ;)

Thursday 23 December 2010


So Christmas happened :D wheyy, I will/maybe/never know if I can be bothered, do a post on what I got and the highlights BUT I can't promise anything because I might not be enthused to in the future. I should be doing many a thing right now but of course as always ended up in le 'tinternet and started writing this.
I've decided that if I get any money I'm either saving it for a big shop OR buying something from H! by Henry Holland since I currently WANT IT ALL here are a few personal loves:

I mean seriously I LOVE all of it but especially the two dresses and the penny purse <3
I mean seriously I LOVE all of it but especially the two dresses and the penny purse <3
Anyways must pack/clean and such
Ciao ;)

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Ok so I didn't actually post again yesterday or the day before that but after Roisin went home I felt REALLY ill and fell asleep for the rest of the day on my sofa :]
Today I went to Bath for a lot of last minute Christmas shopping finally done that now all I need to do it wrap and deliver!!

sorry it's ridiculously short!!

Ciao ;)

Monday 20 December 2010

schoo right now it's 6:14 and I've been awake since around ten to four.
Life why you so suckaaa? I mean for reals this chesty cold thing isn't even bad anymore what can't you let me be in peace?

Moving on hopefully putting another two (?) posts up today. One about the new Chanel make-up and the other about my day with Roisin and what we did ^_^

But right about now I'm whiling away the time by finding pictures on le internet, window shopping, damn you autocorrecting, tweeting, musicing and dear blank, please blank-ing.

WOW early days are fun *____*

Ciao ;)

Sunday 19 December 2010

More uselesness

So ya'll know my mother is ill, wells being the lovely mother she is she has given me a dowsed down versions WHEYYYY :|
I need to go shopping for presents but I have no-one to go with and I donnie think mother would let me go on my own, lets hope the sister comes back tomorrow :]
So yesterday I didn't go onto the lappy toppy because I didn't want to further freak out my eyes and it was very strange because that meant I didn't listen to music for a whole day :O it was hard I missed my music MUCHOS.
OH I know Nina is currently in Egypt but from reading her blog I now know why she didn't reply to my texts :L
Hope you are having an amazing time :D

Ciao ;)

Friday 17 December 2010

I'm down to a whisper In a daydream on a hill

So in todays life hrm well the end of term ended ........that doesn't make sense....... and what did I do? WELL I shall spare every detail but I did a quiz in Geo, then went to say bye to an amazing teacher who is leaving but ended up watching 'Gap Yah' and then saw the sixth formers do the Mentos, Diet Coke explosions shinanigans. Science was 'ight about as normal as my science lesson is (which is not the normal norms) spent most of my lunch looking for people. then we watched the teachers panto :O if there could be a horror face I would put that on. It was better then some and sitting next to Lucinda who was VERY happy to join in with the whooping and whistling made it all the better ^_^
Got home, my mother is no better :( watched some Narrrrrrnia, had some PROPPA food a.k.a a pie and the washing machine had a tiff and leaked then was fixed (?)
My Daddy is home ^_^ LIES he is currently building a Christmas tree in a church somewhere.
My throat is intent on killing my voice so I'm singing so I can sound all husky and sound uber sexeh (I feel like Phoebe)
I'm suddenly blogging A LOT sorry to people because it's only really my life and that is a tad boring m'fraid.
Ciao ;)

Thursday 16 December 2010

Dandy As Daisys

Guten Arbeit Laddehs, not sure what I'm writing about today but my Mother has this bug/flu (wait is that the same thing?) and she is so fragile right now it's worrying and as my Father works away during the week he is not there to help her and I know that I cannot do a very god job like him. However it's also helped me realize how much I still depend on my family I haven't properly eaten in a while because it's something I don't think of straight away. Healthy Balanced Meal.

So tomorrow it the LAST day of term WHOO WHEYY and we end earlier that usual DOUBLE WHEYY. Nearly finished making presents and I need to go to shops for the last minute buying ^_^

So in the week leading up to Christmas what shall I be doing? Delivering presents, packing, festie-izing and CLEANING MY ROOM.

Spotify get ready for ALOTA music playing!

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Angels fall like rain, and love is all of heavens way

Whenever I listen to White light by Gorillaz I always want to post somehting on this shindig, I think there is a connection here with me and things to do with lights. Can I just say Jonathan from Spotifys has changed, or is it just me? ;)
Well I can't think what to put so Imma put on a few of my Lust/Love/Need/Want/Wish items
*I point out now it's really if I was endless in money I'd buy these I will never (sadly) own item*

ONE: Tis be this beauty from Abercrombie&Fitch sadly around £40 so don't think I'll be buying this anytime soon but OH WELL uber love.

TWO: Be these cheeky chappies from Hollister I am currently LOVING this colour so every item of a Burgundy colour is in my love but these...phoarrr I want to wear them all day, but since I'm practically broke and spending the money on chrimbo presents I think Imma have to save these for another day

THREEEE: Are these Bad Boys from Jack Wills again at £29 currently not in my money range, can't choose which is my favourite colour hrmm bit of a tough choice there!

Four: Be an uberly lush bag from Urban Outfitters at £68 pounds don't think I'll be ever seeing this in my mits and to lessen my chances at that only available online or in oxford street, but (in my way of spelling) Se la vie.

And Lastly Five: A very rather pretty Cushion Cover from H&M it's on sale at £5.99 from £9.99 so either way it's afforable but my money is going to a better cause :]

So those were a few things I adore right now, rather enjoyed doing this might do it again sometime :)
Ciao ;)

Thursday 9 December 2010


As life goes I was cleaning my room and an hour later had curled my hair and painted my lips reddd and my camera always happily shocks me with its talents I took a piceturh of my lips and my camera picked up so much detail: so ignore my swonky lips they ain't perfect

so yeah I'm rather bored and thought meh why not post this but this is where it will look really bad and put my camera to shame once I post this :L
Ciao ;)

Sunday 5 December 2010

Gunshots blazing everywhere

Soo yesterday I went to the British Military Tournament pretty amazing stuff right there. t'was in support of the ABF The soilder charity.
I am amazed at how much I underestimated how much I loved it!! when the horses pretended to die at first I was like 'OMG WHATS HAPPENING TO THE HORSE ON THE FLOOR,........Oh wait ohok he's playing dead' *heart starts beating again*
I got shamefully worried in the
WELLINGTON COLLEGE FIELD GUN COMPETITION when my team (team powerful) was neckandneck with team terrible and I must admit I did cry out at one point 'OMG RUUNNNNN!!!!!' Guess who won?? you guess terrible? You were WRONG!! I know a team that I was supporting won!! :O Happens about once a blue moon that.
It's a day later and I'm sat here eating my crumpet still buzzing. Well worth the price I'd say!!
And that afters we had afternoon tea at the hotel my Grandad was staying at, rather swanky if I'm honest BUT the tea was DELISH and I rather liked my food :D
Ciao ;)

Friday 3 December 2010

Randomo Posto

sitting in my dining room waiting for my mumma to come and take me to the bath market. Talk about timing guess who just walked through the door!!! Well now she is walking the dogs and I am going to begin the layering process ^_^ operation tomato begins!!
Oh by the way if Beth reads this then oftaoftaOFT I think Zachary was rather nommy as well :L plus his real name (not in real life) was Ezra which is one of my favourite names everr :D
Right now as I am dressing myself up I am listening to Ellie Gouldings newish album <3 which by the way is called Bright Lights so super love for that right there. Might take my Camera to Bath but I think it's dieing from lack of energy I'm not sure!!
Well I better post this and then post Bath a little later so urr
Ciao ;)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Behold A Baby

OhEmmGeee, so it's finally the countdown to Christmas (well on Sunday really) and so I finally got to open my advent calendar which I bought in October.
And as you can see the first one was an über cute christmas pudding ^_^
Ever since I was a tiny tot my Aunt made my fellow cousins, Sister and I an advent calendar. Although we misplaced to original hanging in the loft we made a new one:
So in todays I got another Advent Calendar:

So for a little while I am happily content with my advent calendars!!
But still I cannie wait I can now start making christmas food, festively decorate my room, the tree, and sing christmas songs and it wont be strange because now I have a reason instead of it being the middle if June ^_^

Ciao ;)