Wednesday 26 September 2012



I just hope this posts the song.

I've not posted for a while and frankly not thought about posting for a while. I can't guarantee I will anymore which for the slim amount who enjoyed this little ditty I'm sorry but I thought I'd be honest instead of giving you all false hope.

In other news... IT'S MA BIRTHDAY IN A WEEK :D

awwwwww yeahhhhhhh


Now this song. It is one of those songs I can't help like. But as you've gathered from my  previous songs my taste varies somewhat widely. But yeah Audio Bullys take it away with Only Man ;)

Ciao ;)

Sunday 19 August 2012

"BEWARE" the sign on the door suggests.

    So I've made a cake from my friends birthday and I just hope they like it because well lets just say some of it is pink and I wanted it to be red.

However watching India Jones because why not? It's not the best of them but eh I enjoy to watch it :)

I feel bad because it's the summer holidays and I haven't done any homework yet which if any teacher ever saw this might shake their head in shame. But oh well I'll get there EVENTUALLY... I guess ;)

However I did get my results um ALL THE RETAKES ;) No not for everything in some I did alright even good but in others...le sigh. But my family were surprisingly understanding. I think they've accepted I'm not accademically achieving which considering all sides of my family it is a joy for them to understand. Yet even so you can feel the evident disappointment in the air and the frantic cogs turning to think what I can do that'll be respectable and doesn't need a degree because lets face it I'm smart enough to know 'Maybe in a year or two' is 'shiiitt she can't get into Uni.'

Ces't la vie? Unfortunately yes whatever happens it wont wait for me to get better.

ANYEEWAYYY... Los Campesinos! - Death To Los Campesinos! here with some happy tune sillyness which for some reason cheers me up, can wuhohoh to very easily to and dance like a loon on loon tablet to quoteh Georgia Nicolson.


This post has no bulk to it but then again nothing in my life does so this fits perfectly I guess.
Ciao ;) 

Friday 3 August 2012

Perchance to dream

So it is my godmothers birthday soon and when asked what she wanted for her birthday she said macaroons. I've made them once before and they actually turned out alright! So I'm going to give it another shot and hopefully it'll work again.
I love cooking, which since I am a girl you might think be typical BUT no I just really enjoy it and if I could I would make a shop and sell cakes, muffins, macaroons, all sorts from buns to bread to sandwiches I guess I really would love to do it. However I don't think I could do it alone and would need to go into partner with someone in order to create it and it couldn't be a random person who would be in it just for the business it'd have to be someone who loved the idea as much as I do and can picture it in their head as clearly as I can.

But yeah watch this space ;) My dad doesn't want me doing it because it wont bring in the money but in reality I think I could survive just doing what I love and having enough money to buy the necessary things of life like the bills and food. Maybe that is optimisim (a nice change) but we'll have to wait and see!!

Next song is by Toots and the Maytals - Funky Kingston. Sound familiar? Theme song to Miami ink right here and a reggee tune to beat no other!! Makes me happy and smile hence it being here.

For now though enjoy and,
Ciao ;)

Sing me a song

I had wanted to put a song which I've had in my head for a while and I love but the only bit I remember with words are 'hello hello' and I can't sing into a computer and I can't find it on my spotify AT ALL however during my search I remembered a bunch of songs which haven't played on my spotify for a long while and are now going to see the light through this little blog :)

Firstly is Kaki King - Close to me. This used to be on a skin advert I cannie remember which but yeah made me smile when it came on :)

Now I'm not sure whether to lump them all together or to have them as seperate songs in blog posts like last time. There are five others so that would mean a more active blog I guess.

Till next time with another song...
Ciao ;)

Monday 30 July 2012


So I've written and left as drafts so many posts because I start them but then I just don't 'feel' them so I thought it important to tell you that I've not left but I'm lacking in the carry-on. Like I just don't think my posts are any good and I never really thought that but went with it anyways whereas

Went to the Olympics yesterday to see eventing dressage which was really good but there was a thunder and lightening storm and horrible, horrible rain!! But nonetheless it was amazing and watching it all was just beautiful and the soundsman must have had a dry sense of humour because when it was raining just fouly during Tina Cook's session he played somewhere over the rainbow which made everybody laugh somewhat.

In other news my mother needs a zip for her mouth or cellotape because she wont stop talking during the jumping and i don't need her running commentary. Now she has gone from bitching about a horse to saying she loves it. Changes for the commentators opnion ARGH.
 BLOODY HELL WOMAN SHUT UP. Japanese man fell off and her commentary is so annoying like stop acting like you run the show/event shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I don't think this really deserves to make it to le blog but I want to put something into it. Might add a song by itself later maybe. eh sorry for the shit quality lately.

Ciao ;)

Friday 6 July 2012

Singing hey nonny na na na na

This week has been one of those weeks which just seem to drain you and result in  a mass of sleep. Which don't get me wrong is great because who doesn't love sleeping!? But I wish this didn't happen until at least another two weeks.
This week has been fun though, I looked after a school on year five day and went to the open evening yesterday which resulted in masses of nommy crepes!! There was more but I wont bore you guys to death, I know how that feels knowing the inch of a life you don't live in!!

But anyways now I am ill and blahdeblah woe is me if I'm bored about being ill you guys would want to kill yourselves, or me. BUUUUUTTT yeah my Grandad is coming down for the weekend -___- No bedroom for me again but oh well. However the thing which does actually make me sad is the fact that I can't go to Fern and Jodie's beach day, but oh well. Another time I hope.

I'm reading a book called 'This is me.' and there was something I liked from it which I think is quite key to life.
'All areoplanes go through clouds during their journeys. So do people during theirs.'

I like it for the truthfulness and how it is true everything does but they all come out at the other end. This may be joining my sayings list!!

Well I've bored ya'll for long enough methinks so I shall leave your delightful company with this song by Coconut Records. I do love them ever so slightly, I do love this some immensely though, I think it is the instrumental, I mean I like the lyrics but if this was just an instrumental song I might die of happiness!! But yeah do enjoy my beauties.

Ciao ;)

Monday 25 June 2012

Well this is a tad pointless isn't it.

My dad and I must have a similar brainwave because I was litterally thinking could do with something to eat but I have to wait for my mamma to come back and there was a rapid knock and my dad entered with a peice of toast and marmite which was EXACTLY what I was wanting but I'm to lazy to make toast. (I'm not kidding btw I never have toast purely because I'm too lazy to make it.)

I have three propectuses left to arrive into meine home ^_^ I'm actually doing productive work for once!! This is actually a terrible post isn't it!! Need an interrobang here.
I'm trying to think of any important news but I'm coming up a blank here, think that is hinting to how much of a wild animal I am oh dear :L

I am procrastinating from my history work so I must really be getting back to that but I don't actually know what to put on the sheet. May have to beg someone to give me a peak at theirs.

This is to Nina if she looks, I put the bear in my doll house with everything else that I had, wise place?

Ciao ;)

Monday 18 June 2012

This hereby marks the day of sadness.

Please play this and read on.

Welcome to the story of Thea and the Pineapple.
One day in my childhood I discovered this amazing fruit of sensuous flavours and splendours and my life was filled with the glorious happiness that only pineapple could fill. This continued for years and years me growing with Pineapple always at the top my my favourite fruit list for years eating the whole bowl in one sitting ANOMNOMNOM shall we say. Then one day when I ate the core as well and my face hurt (a.k.a. burned) So me and pineapple took a break from things although at the top of my list it wasn't soon till I ate all the pineapple to my hearts content including the pineapple party and every time I ate pineapples I was happy. I'm not even kidding it was one of the best pick me ups I knew.
18th June 2012, Monday. I have pineapple ^_^ It also has pears and nectarines in it because otherwise the bowl was a little empty. I'm sat there eating my bowl when... my tounge swells and throbs and my gums are searing with pain. It is the same symptoms as the passionfruit but worse, I don't want to accept it but I have to...I am now allergic to pineapple. I'm not gonna lie I cried a tad because I knew I could no longer enjoy the best tasting fruit in the world because of the barrier that keeps us apart. My favourite fruit forcibly knocked off the list.
WHAAAAAHHHHHHH :( I don't know what to do anymore!!! No more Pick-me-up Pineapple :(

In other news I had a dream which was basically to this song and it was my exam results. The happy part is the wolfpack walking to school, then we are all in the queue to get our results and then it is me going to the center by myself, scared but excited to find them out. Then the first sad part is the opening my results, we don't know the results but my face looks so fallen and dissapointed. I close it and leave the hall and start walking alone. The song picks up for my walk to a field somewhere along the way the music becomes sad again and there I am sat in the middle of this field. Just sitting with the music playing and then it fades out.
We never do find out the results but I think you can guess what they were along the lines of :L

In conclusion I have breached a dark day in my life and my dreams possibly have really sad premonitions.

Ciao ;)

Thursday 31 May 2012

Deep somewhere they all lie, waiting.

So today I had a flashback to my past of primary school, I think year six. There was one time when we were preparing for out SATS and we did a mock English test. English had always been my favourite subject and an exam I actually looked forward to. Now this mock of course I looked forward to and was like 'YEAH! What did I just do? SMASH ITTTTT!!' I thought I had aced it and was so excited because I thought it could be my highest mark EVER.
Next day when my teacher had marked them I was so excited to see my mark what was it? A red frowny face with a very very low mark. She gave handed it back with my first ever experience of huge disappointment. I remember feeling like a brick was pummeling my stomach over and over for being so stupid. That was also the first time I cried over a test.
When I was in a depressive state of mind that was the thing I could use as my weapon to wham me further down and I managed to move on from it somehow but I haven't thought of that for soso long and to suddenly remember it made me quite shocked at what I remember and let me be marvel at the capacity of what our brains retain and smuggle to the recesses of our mind.
Not a happy subject matter but it led to an interesting thought.

I also remembered this Controvento, senz'olio (Fragments Found) by Fabrizio Paterlini. I like pianos a lot, their limit of keys yet fluidity and variation of noises amaze me.
I just warn you depending on your mood it can be reflective, downing or calming. I just love it.

Ciao ;)

Monday 28 May 2012

Fair warning

You know those days when little things get you oh so very annoyed? Like things that don't even matter but they get to you? Well I'm sorry to those who I know because I seem to be in that mood lately so if I reply to you a tad...sharply I don't mean to use my patronising sarky voice, I don't actually know I do it but I just warn you because odds are it probs isn'y you who has annoyed me. Like right now let cat is annoying me and this has been inflicted to my sister by le 'attitude of the voice'.
But seriously little things like don't treat me like a fureakin' idiot I have a brain that understands at least the basics of life and common sense, more than some people I know.

Sorry in a ranty mood but I am badly trying to stop it :L

Ciao ;)

Saturday 26 May 2012

Life's a party!!

The last one I could find which makes me sad because I know there was at least one other jerry springer and the work assisstant one. But I donnie know whereabouuts they have gone to so we shall end with this one :]

Ciao ;)


Was the motto of your life.
ciao ;)

The next in line baybeh

So come on and sleep overrrr. I feel bad about this one because just seemed to leave you /: but I felt your pink hoodie was needed.

Ciao ;)

Tha seaweed is always greener

NEXTTTT oh how you make me laugh even if it is really short!!
Ciao ;)

You wanted to see them baby


Well Nina here they are...or the ones that I could find. Enjoy it me dear and anyone else as well, just remember I love you. Ok so I'm doing this post by post because otherwise it cries and says but only one.
Well Nina this one is...well some could say amazing...others not.

Ciao ;)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm about to see much more of the real world

Yesterday I was going to be super involved and do another blog post which consisted of photo's from my phone. Like an ode to the phone but also because I have some amazing pictures of my friends which makes me laugh (Nina this includes the bowls, banana's, and the tent face...probs a lot more from you!) but then my logic board has gone again and now he really is not useable because I cannie see the screen. Thankfully I was on itunes at the time so now he is partly useable, he is like a massive shuffle now you have to guess the song and the order.
Yes he is a he and yes he has a name. I was super original and named him Mac. But now my baby is properly broken and since I seem to have an addiction to the internet it is like I'm quitting cold turkey or something. I have to squirrel away onto someone else's (my mothers this time) so since I was on my mothers iphoto I shall show pictures of happy pets and johnny

 Johnny ^_^ I don't think he likes me but this is because he is a baby and I make him work which he finds boring. But he will learn that I only make him work so he can also jump which I know he enjoys.

 Apazzas I can't have these on the same row so I made them bigger to show Biscuits happy face all happy.

BOBBB!!! Look at his happy closed eyes face. I chose these because they made me laugh there are other much nicer ones!!
Finally one of Finn because he needs a feature, I love how any camera or phone shocks him. I lubb himm ^_^ 

Any how I wont be online as much anymore and this will be the last post for a while as a result I feel.

Ciao ;)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

SO I feel I should say that there is another series of Work of Art, personally I don't feel it has the same vibe as the first series but only one episode has happened and the lovely french man went first :(
I also feel I shoulda mentioned Work of Art series one was aired in 2010 I think and series two in 2011.

Yeahhh nothing important just backing up the previous post...
In other news I have finished my English coursework :D and am running for head student although personally don't think I'll get to the next round I am proud I stood up and spoke because I donnie like to speak really I just listen norms.

Ciaooooo ;)

Friday 27 April 2012

Truly a Work of art

Television shows are odd. There are shows that entice you, excite you, anger you, reduce you to tears. There are shows that do all of these. I wonder why we as humans can become by transfixed by these fantasies. truth. competitions.
I have to be honest I do not watch much television but I am addicted to the ones I do watch.
Recently I developed a love for the show Work of Art: Next Great Artist (slog of a title I know) to start I thought watt. It's going to be a really shit show about how art has to be one confinement, but I had to take that back as it progressed (a.k.a. the first episode) apart from China Chows comments at elimination where she it went along the line of 'your art was baaad.' which is straight out wrong no art is bad it is just different but I digress...


 EVERBODY FOR YA'LL (excluding the judges and Simon de pury(who is actually amazing))

I tried to fine the theme tune for you all because that is uber and and actually AMAZING but I could only find it on barefoot and so eh yeah Go to that if it stays there for long enough.

 Here are the people I really liked. I like their artwork and them as themselves and thankfully they all got through to the top four and thankfully all got along so well, I seriously hope they still all meet up and stuff 'cause they had a great friendship vibe thing.

 This here be Abdi and genuinely fun-loving, bright side of life chap. His work is mind blowing and someone you instantly adore right down to his hat choice.

 MILES MENDENHALL. Naat gonna lie he is a tad on the lovely side of life ;) But no he was a funny dude who has ocd -Did he mention that?- But no I feel -as with all of them- I would have gotten along fairly well with Miles and his work, although some of it was off and in later work I disliked it more, I did enjoy it and the concept behind it.

 The kooky beauty that was Peregrine, she was odd as words can describe but I truly loved her and the concepts in her mind were just wonderful to unfold. 
This is Nicole as the picture thing aptly says, she was a really happy person and I am glad she went far  in the competition She is one of those people that you would be with and know you would get along with her.

These are some of my favourite pieces from the whole show... enjoy :)

 I loved all of Abdi's work so I felt I should limit my self to my favourite piece from the whole entire show.  From episode Nine Abdi had to incorporate nature and inspiration from it. He used the gravel with a third of black pigment to make this self portrait. His inspiration was the ocean, and I actually love this I find it so mystical and I would have this in my house I truly would.

 Both of these are by Miles and yeah their odd but they mean to me what I felt at the time.
the first is from episode 5: What moves you. Miles looked to the city, noticing the hustle and bustle he found some serenity and peace in a corner way. This is what I found and so I like it.
The second is from I think episode 2 and the challenge winner, he fell asleep on it as live art a.k.a. he was shit tired. As Mark would say he had his 'balls to the wall in that one.'

This one is from episode 3 by John. I really liked John's work and wish he'd been able to progress. This was his challenge winner and personally feel he deserved all of it.
Sadly I couldn't find any of Nicole or Peregrine's :(

Soo yeah was the best show I've watched for a long while and I wont say who the winner is but if you want to know watch it ;)
As Simon would say 'Be bold! Be brave! Be amazing!'
 Ciao ;)

Tuesday 10 April 2012


Today for Hoodie Allen his new ep comes out which is called All American. Jus sayin' I want that sosososo badddd.
However I realised he had a whole TWO albums which I never knew about SO I have now got all of his past songs which makes me an increasingly happy chappy...
WHAT'S MORE? Apparently he is going to do a tour in the uk. HIS FIRST OVERSEA TOUR IN THE UFREAKIN'K. Major fangirling right now.

I also watched 17 again today, t'was gooood.

Soooo yeah one of my favourite artists is getting up in the world of music and I'm currently sitting here like a strange silent thing with a huuuge ass grin, screaming (silently) at all the Hoodie Allen goodies I'm getting today :')
Imma lucky gaaaaall

Ciao ;)

Saturday 7 April 2012

Everybody needs somebody to love

SO guys it's official I have started my revision... shit has gotten real man!!!
Whilst I was cleaning my room I found this down the side of my bed and it really cheered me up ^_^

Uhh yeah I've been makin loads of food recently like today I made these bad boys: These are from this website
and are quite yummy.
I also made some cupcakes but those are eaten however here is a picture: The latter six I take the credit for their decoration.
IT IS EASTER :D and here is a picture of my nails
A bad take from this video:

ANND since my spotify is used up I'm now listening to blues brothers because who can deny it they are good and smile worthy.

A random post
Ciao ;)

Monday 19 March 2012

'Aint waiting all night

My dear lord am I in a lack of motivation.
You know when a week is just going to sap all of the energy out of you and by Friday you're just going to the remnants in a pile asleep. I can already tell you that this is going to be this week. I have been working all evening and I have come out with nothing finished. FREAKIN' NOTHING. It's only nearly 8:00 and I already feel like I'm about to fall asleep any moment. WHYYYYYY!?!?

I just need a hug or something, maybe cocoa related. arrrgh can't tomorrow be a surprise td-day?
I'm also having a power struggle to work or watch Iron man. But it'll probably end up as neither and going on le internets 'cause I'm such an internet nerd. Plus the big drawback is my computer isn't move-able. My internal struggle has decided iron man shall be tomorrow and I can watch it with le sister. She doesn't know this yet.

Like leegit I don't want to finish this post because I will have to work on this power point and the thing is I've worked on most of the night on this an done one slide. Only one out of five. I mean I have four to go but EHHH.

On happier things I have Ray Charles by Chiddy Bang in my head which is makin' me smile ^_^
I don't care if I've had it on before it deserves to be appearing again.


Wednesday 7 March 2012

When hope goes astray.

I've just remember I have a sociology mock tomorrow YAAAAYYY -____- so I'm gonna do some very uberly important procrastinating :D

I know people love their quotes/mottos/sayings and I am no different. I have four different quote/mottos/sayings that I feel are to use and to remember.
Lemme say they are all about inspiring 'cause I need motivation to do things and I can get fairly easily depressed.
Number one.

'There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.'

This reminds me that there are people out there who have a passion and a motive. Sounds cheesy but it inspires me to be inspired by people. I think of this and hope enters my mind, that the world isn't one dull mass, but full of amazing wonders.
This needs to be on my bedside chair (I have a chair instead of a table) and on my walls somewhere.

Number two.

'The mind is like a parachute, it works when it is open.' Anthony J. D. Angelo.

This man is a
Founder & Chief Visionary Officer. Again with the previous one it's all about inspiration but also it reminds me you need to be open to work well a.k.a. when yours stressed your mind wont work best so chillll.
This one I want on the front of every notebook or work book.

Number Three.

'Never Give up, trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration you can not go wrong.'

It's telling me that you can't give up, not now. There is all you need for it to happen apart from your gusto so GO.
On the front of my revision guides and also on my desk for help.

Number Four.

'C'est la vie.'

This is the one I say so often because when I am upset I say this and then it's like 'Yeah now you can move on.' I grew up thinking it meant 'life goes on.' but actually it means 'such is life.' But I donnie care because they are both rather important things to remember because life can be a bitch but it moves on.
This I want above my door and if I could think of a place where to put it as a tattoo. If I could pobs like the palm of my right hand OHH or the wrist of my right arm. Basically on the right because I'm more likely to look at my right hand because I am left handed.

Sooo yeah those are the things I look to remind me about things.
In other news I want to many clothes, thanks to Christie have found an amazing new joke.
'What do you call an Alligator in a vest? An investigator.'
Cracks me up!!
And an incredibly lucky girl ^_^

Ciao ;)

Sunday 19 February 2012

Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone

Most of you know or have seen previous posts where I mention my horse, Finn.
Today has been amazing quite frankly. I mean I saw my lovely lovely friends whilst sleeping over at Lucinda's and I rode Finn for the first time since... I can't remember October?

I've wanted to ride him for months and months and months but my Mum said we had to rest him over the Winter to try and let him fully heal. SO with some once in a blue moon clean tack and an extremely clean Finn we just did a little walk down the road. AND he didn't feel at all odd (like no pain or hesitation), he felt perfectly fine which I haven't felt in Finn for well over a year.

I cannot convey how happy I am. I am content with life once more all because I finally got to ride my horse. I am chilllled out.

These are from a good while back, like 2010? Only head shots tho' cause he was rather portly and I don't have any better ones right now.
But just look at him!!

I thought you guys should see at least one picture of his markings and I found this one, this is only his right side though.

I realise unless we do a bike ride up to where he stays most people are likely ever to meet Finn, hence the pictures. I think he'd like it though, to meet lots of people, he be an attention seeker.

Ciao ;)

Monday 6 February 2012

The weird side

I often end up of the weird side of youtube...

Snape and dancing=AMAZING

Personally Emma's face in this is the the best thing about this one!!

I had to share these, don't ask why but I did.

Ciao ;)

Thursday 26 January 2012

My oh my how time flies.

Ahem ummm *cough*


So yeah that happened. It's now the 26th and nothings I'M SORRY BLOG I'LL NEVER LEAVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!

'Theodora Julian Billings! How dare you not blog like that! I am absolutely disgusted! Your Blog is left all alone by itself, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home' Guess the quote ;)

On lighter ground Like the new layout? I've been changing alottto things as of late and of course I've got pictures *WHEYYYYYY* prepare to be bored...

First things first is those things that make a room. I've rearranged my walls. Whether i like it is another matter. Call it a trial if you will but I'm not sure. Opinions are welcomed 'cause I need some help.

It looked like this ↧ Now looks like this↧

Fancy close ups follow. In the same old on the left, now on the right.
Yes One Direction is on my wall. They are Lovely lads ;)

This is all old.

All new.

What cha thunk?

NEEEXT we have that wall by my wardrobe. T'was falling down a tad and me being a sentimental freak was loking at past birthday cards (I'm a hoarder) and thought 'These are sure purdy.' and then the light bulb occurred and thus they were on the wall by the wardrobe.

Old on the left New on the right.

That's the walls done. Now for things...
Now my Mother may be a very busy woman who's birthday is this Saturday and this even more stressed out but she does spare a little time (and moneys) and found this little ditty for me.
Now I know NAHHTHING about Needlepoint but I am going to learn it. Guys expect needlepoint presents from now on.

If you go to my schule you shall have noted my school bag was err on the holey side of life and so with a new season comes new collections. ENTRUDE this beauty of a bag. The Kingsgate bag from Jack Wills. Oh and a new plug socket (from my dad) because my Mum took mine for OFSTED purposes. Not gonna lie I was super pumped for it so much so I blew the socket. -___- my Dad had fixed tho' so FEW.

Cast your memories back to Wednesday 19th October 2011 remember anything? I posted 'Haven't you heard I'm stuck on a verse.' which was my Lust/Love/Need/Want/Wish.

Well I nearly SO nearly got the flowery pillow from Jack Wills £5.40 it was reduced to and reloaded page=Out.Of.Stock. Worst words ever. Mahhhhh. Smelled the candy corn candle=Not what I'd hoped. bleurgh. Got me Luuussh Cinders. NOMNOMNOMNONOM.

Remember this: 'Lastly is possibly my favourite and also the one I am least likely to buy :('

Ahem well:

I can't take a picture of it off because I WONT take it off. I love it to much.
Oh I love sales.

So that is my room pretty much up to date bar the fact I'm changing my ads hopefully over the weekend.
Don't forget to say whether you like the top wall redo or not because I really can't decide!
Ciao ;)