Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm about to see much more of the real world

Yesterday I was going to be super involved and do another blog post which consisted of photo's from my phone. Like an ode to the phone but also because I have some amazing pictures of my friends which makes me laugh (Nina this includes the bowls, banana's, and the tent face...probs a lot more from you!) but then my logic board has gone again and now he really is not useable because I cannie see the screen. Thankfully I was on itunes at the time so now he is partly useable, he is like a massive shuffle now you have to guess the song and the order.
Yes he is a he and yes he has a name. I was super original and named him Mac. But now my baby is properly broken and since I seem to have an addiction to the internet it is like I'm quitting cold turkey or something. I have to squirrel away onto someone else's (my mothers this time) so since I was on my mothers iphoto I shall show pictures of happy pets and johnny

 Johnny ^_^ I don't think he likes me but this is because he is a baby and I make him work which he finds boring. But he will learn that I only make him work so he can also jump which I know he enjoys.

 Apazzas I can't have these on the same row so I made them bigger to show Biscuits happy face all happy.

BOBBB!!! Look at his happy closed eyes face. I chose these because they made me laugh there are other much nicer ones!!
Finally one of Finn because he needs a feature, I love how any camera or phone shocks him. I lubb himm ^_^ 

Any how I wont be online as much anymore and this will be the last post for a while as a result I feel.

Ciao ;)

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