Sunday 19 February 2012

Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone

Most of you know or have seen previous posts where I mention my horse, Finn.
Today has been amazing quite frankly. I mean I saw my lovely lovely friends whilst sleeping over at Lucinda's and I rode Finn for the first time since... I can't remember October?

I've wanted to ride him for months and months and months but my Mum said we had to rest him over the Winter to try and let him fully heal. SO with some once in a blue moon clean tack and an extremely clean Finn we just did a little walk down the road. AND he didn't feel at all odd (like no pain or hesitation), he felt perfectly fine which I haven't felt in Finn for well over a year.

I cannot convey how happy I am. I am content with life once more all because I finally got to ride my horse. I am chilllled out.

These are from a good while back, like 2010? Only head shots tho' cause he was rather portly and I don't have any better ones right now.
But just look at him!!

I thought you guys should see at least one picture of his markings and I found this one, this is only his right side though.

I realise unless we do a bike ride up to where he stays most people are likely ever to meet Finn, hence the pictures. I think he'd like it though, to meet lots of people, he be an attention seeker.

Ciao ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I'm very lucky to own Finn and know Benny (the other horse)
