Saturday 20 August 2011

I'm baaaack :D But I got whatever my sister had but a tad worse and feel like Imma upchuck my weight and somewhat more.
Some book reviews are ready, and a long boring one about the land of oh Cornwall.

OH, I need a name for my book reviews, feel free to suggest anything :D

ciao ;)

Saturday 13 August 2011

I'm going to Cornwall for a week today so thus this post a day is naat gonna happen for a while.
Anyhoo I've haven't packed yet D: help meh Lord to pack very very quickly and easily!!

This one will be short since I really have to pack!!!

Ciao ;)

If I have time I'll try to do another :]

Friday 12 August 2011

So much

This counts as the 12th of August post because i haven't' been on the computer all day, I've been cleaning. SO MUCH CLEANING. I feel like the cocaine cat, I can't handle the cleaning.
It'was all for a woman who didn't even stay round but either way my house is now freakishly clean...apart from my room because it's on the bottom floor so all spare crap that people can see gets shoved in there.
I'm not packed for holiday yet. You ask when do you go? TODAY!!!! I shall have to wake up at seven latest to pack, at least the minimal sleep that's good enough for you because I need energy for tomorrow.

Oh btw here is cocaine cat:

Ciao ;)

Thursday 11 August 2011


I've been reading a bit more than usual as of late and thought I caould do some books reviews :D
I'm currently re-reading books and then throwing them away as I have to many books on my bookcases in my room, also if I was to ever want a new bookcase I'd need to throw some out so there wasn't an explosion of more books in my house.

I might start today but I know that the first book I shall review is The Chaos Code by Justin Richards.

Ciao (for now) ;)

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Just like skins I work better in the uk

So my second post ey eyyy, don't get too proud Thea.

Thought I should share this video of a sunset, it is rather pretty if I say so.

I cut my thumb on a nail file yesterday, how stuuupid can you get!? Anyways I've decided that I want to extend the neck on a t-shirt I have because it is chocking my neck off a tad.

Casually played James Bond until one this morn with my sister. I how I love James Bond bar Nightfire, Everything or nothing is the best game we have. Sadly though Nightfire has died from over use and age :(

Hrmm need a song for the day....Since Hoodie Allen is so flyyyy I shall choose two of them;
Flipping out and James Franco

Ciao ;)

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Challenges and fontal issues.

Okay, guys, guys hey guys guess what. I should try and do a post a day apart from the fact my phone doesn't do blogger I would do this whilst on holiday, and the fact it's the 9th. I could be mean and say 'Nine posts ALL today to catch up.' *Looking really peppy and pigtailed hair* Whereupon you guys say 'Whaaat!? Go away Thea. Your never even on here. GAWWD' Also sweardown my font has changed Imma try change this. Yayyyy Arial :D I guess this is like Helvetica. The best font in my eyes.

I could do some recipes for ya'll I love cooking in my apron and such ^_^

Okedokes then sweetpeas, a post day if I don't do it I should get a punishment of some sorts not sure what tho' (suggestions?)

Ciao ;)

Rooms, niet, neigh, cooking, and procrastination.

Whilst my unfinished posts fill up (and are likely never to post being me) I really have not done much or have much to post about. I would do a review but I have no idea on what to review. Maybe my room cleaning skills? After the havoc of Uncles and wife around ohh and ahhing on whether to stay the night my room ended up with my room in a state of 'You had your chance to sleep in here but you lost it.' a.k.a. 'Since I moved it all around so much it's a tip.'
My review on that would be neit points of moi.
Finn went to the vets a few weeks ago, he is 'ight I guess :/ He had an injection so lets hope it does him good. :]
Me and Procrastination are getting along again like the firm friends we are. Avoiding EVERYTHING.
I've taken to finding lots of recipes to do, I just hope that is procrastinations holiday spot or I will NEVER do them.

I go on holiday on Sunday (or saturday I have no idea)

I feel sorry for my little neglected blog :(

ciao ;)