Thursday 31 May 2012

Deep somewhere they all lie, waiting.

So today I had a flashback to my past of primary school, I think year six. There was one time when we were preparing for out SATS and we did a mock English test. English had always been my favourite subject and an exam I actually looked forward to. Now this mock of course I looked forward to and was like 'YEAH! What did I just do? SMASH ITTTTT!!' I thought I had aced it and was so excited because I thought it could be my highest mark EVER.
Next day when my teacher had marked them I was so excited to see my mark what was it? A red frowny face with a very very low mark. She gave handed it back with my first ever experience of huge disappointment. I remember feeling like a brick was pummeling my stomach over and over for being so stupid. That was also the first time I cried over a test.
When I was in a depressive state of mind that was the thing I could use as my weapon to wham me further down and I managed to move on from it somehow but I haven't thought of that for soso long and to suddenly remember it made me quite shocked at what I remember and let me be marvel at the capacity of what our brains retain and smuggle to the recesses of our mind.
Not a happy subject matter but it led to an interesting thought.

I also remembered this Controvento, senz'olio (Fragments Found) by Fabrizio Paterlini. I like pianos a lot, their limit of keys yet fluidity and variation of noises amaze me.
I just warn you depending on your mood it can be reflective, downing or calming. I just love it.

Ciao ;)

Monday 28 May 2012

Fair warning

You know those days when little things get you oh so very annoyed? Like things that don't even matter but they get to you? Well I'm sorry to those who I know because I seem to be in that mood lately so if I reply to you a tad...sharply I don't mean to use my patronising sarky voice, I don't actually know I do it but I just warn you because odds are it probs isn'y you who has annoyed me. Like right now let cat is annoying me and this has been inflicted to my sister by le 'attitude of the voice'.
But seriously little things like don't treat me like a fureakin' idiot I have a brain that understands at least the basics of life and common sense, more than some people I know.

Sorry in a ranty mood but I am badly trying to stop it :L

Ciao ;)

Saturday 26 May 2012

Life's a party!!

The last one I could find which makes me sad because I know there was at least one other jerry springer and the work assisstant one. But I donnie know whereabouuts they have gone to so we shall end with this one :]

Ciao ;)


Was the motto of your life.
ciao ;)

The next in line baybeh

So come on and sleep overrrr. I feel bad about this one because just seemed to leave you /: but I felt your pink hoodie was needed.

Ciao ;)

Tha seaweed is always greener

NEXTTTT oh how you make me laugh even if it is really short!!
Ciao ;)

You wanted to see them baby


Well Nina here they are...or the ones that I could find. Enjoy it me dear and anyone else as well, just remember I love you. Ok so I'm doing this post by post because otherwise it cries and says but only one.
Well Nina this one is...well some could say amazing...others not.

Ciao ;)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm about to see much more of the real world

Yesterday I was going to be super involved and do another blog post which consisted of photo's from my phone. Like an ode to the phone but also because I have some amazing pictures of my friends which makes me laugh (Nina this includes the bowls, banana's, and the tent face...probs a lot more from you!) but then my logic board has gone again and now he really is not useable because I cannie see the screen. Thankfully I was on itunes at the time so now he is partly useable, he is like a massive shuffle now you have to guess the song and the order.
Yes he is a he and yes he has a name. I was super original and named him Mac. But now my baby is properly broken and since I seem to have an addiction to the internet it is like I'm quitting cold turkey or something. I have to squirrel away onto someone else's (my mothers this time) so since I was on my mothers iphoto I shall show pictures of happy pets and johnny

 Johnny ^_^ I don't think he likes me but this is because he is a baby and I make him work which he finds boring. But he will learn that I only make him work so he can also jump which I know he enjoys.

 Apazzas I can't have these on the same row so I made them bigger to show Biscuits happy face all happy.

BOBBB!!! Look at his happy closed eyes face. I chose these because they made me laugh there are other much nicer ones!!
Finally one of Finn because he needs a feature, I love how any camera or phone shocks him. I lubb himm ^_^ 

Any how I wont be online as much anymore and this will be the last post for a while as a result I feel.

Ciao ;)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

SO I feel I should say that there is another series of Work of Art, personally I don't feel it has the same vibe as the first series but only one episode has happened and the lovely french man went first :(
I also feel I shoulda mentioned Work of Art series one was aired in 2010 I think and series two in 2011.

Yeahhh nothing important just backing up the previous post...
In other news I have finished my English coursework :D and am running for head student although personally don't think I'll get to the next round I am proud I stood up and spoke because I donnie like to speak really I just listen norms.

Ciaooooo ;)