Thursday 13 January 2011

Melodica man

So right this moment I'm nibbling on a water biscuit to fill my 'empty' stomach. I'm hoping to go to an open eve for a schools sixth form, I've rung my mother and she didn't pick up and hasn't replied this is VERY annoying and for me who worries easily on little things is being my worry self and nibbling on the biscuit helps a tad, but just a tad.

I got my mock final grades yesterday, t'was ok i'm happy with them and I know what I need to improve on. Today we got our reports back, that I was happy with, this time round no threes for engagement or independant (or anything else) ^_^ But then I get back my science retake grades (real).
I can spell duc with them -___- it's a bumer and I cried, although I didn't want to but I did, I want to thank those who said not to worry and comforted me because you guys are truly the best and can make me feel better and fill my thoughts over.

The person I'm afraid of telling is my mother, what she says is the thing that matters most to me, her approval means I've done well and I know I have failed her, I know what I'll hear 'You spend to much time on the computer doing nothing but junk'
It's not like I've heard this speech before, that how I can quote it.
I'm glad at times that these that my father works away from home during the weeks because he if just like my mother but I don't mind telling him as much because I can tell him how I feel, how disappointed i am in myself and he will understand and move on, while my mother..... education has no room for excuses and feelings and having to do better than my sister who my mother thinks failed EVEN THOUGH she got mostly A's B's and C's. So times having a headteacher for a mother has it's downs.

OH WELL I can redo the u and theres not much point in the d because I got excatly the same mark each time I did the test so I am doing some hardcore bio revision.
Strange thing is on the other Biology test I got an A and I think one or two marks off and A*
A-U how varied I can be :P

Here is something that...
Cheered me up

Go N'aw ^_^

I need some campbells ALL of them in this design, spesh the brown ones though, my LOVE

This is a bit of a splurge but oh well.

Ciao ;)

1 comment:

  1. i soooooooooooo hope you're feeling better. nothing is as bad as it seems my dear. just remember what i said: we love you and we know you work hard. science is tough - plenty of people in my class have failed far more frequently and severely than you. there is nothing to worry about when retakes can be easily arranged and revision can be helped with. you're doing so well with absolutely everything else and you know that science isn't a thing you want to do, so honestly, does it really matter all that much? gosh, terribly sorry for the paragraph my sweet, but it's for a good sake. <3
