Monday 25 June 2012

Well this is a tad pointless isn't it.

My dad and I must have a similar brainwave because I was litterally thinking could do with something to eat but I have to wait for my mamma to come back and there was a rapid knock and my dad entered with a peice of toast and marmite which was EXACTLY what I was wanting but I'm to lazy to make toast. (I'm not kidding btw I never have toast purely because I'm too lazy to make it.)

I have three propectuses left to arrive into meine home ^_^ I'm actually doing productive work for once!! This is actually a terrible post isn't it!! Need an interrobang here.
I'm trying to think of any important news but I'm coming up a blank here, think that is hinting to how much of a wild animal I am oh dear :L

I am procrastinating from my history work so I must really be getting back to that but I don't actually know what to put on the sheet. May have to beg someone to give me a peak at theirs.

This is to Nina if she looks, I put the bear in my doll house with everything else that I had, wise place?

Ciao ;)

Monday 18 June 2012

This hereby marks the day of sadness.

Please play this and read on.

Welcome to the story of Thea and the Pineapple.
One day in my childhood I discovered this amazing fruit of sensuous flavours and splendours and my life was filled with the glorious happiness that only pineapple could fill. This continued for years and years me growing with Pineapple always at the top my my favourite fruit list for years eating the whole bowl in one sitting ANOMNOMNOM shall we say. Then one day when I ate the core as well and my face hurt (a.k.a. burned) So me and pineapple took a break from things although at the top of my list it wasn't soon till I ate all the pineapple to my hearts content including the pineapple party and every time I ate pineapples I was happy. I'm not even kidding it was one of the best pick me ups I knew.
18th June 2012, Monday. I have pineapple ^_^ It also has pears and nectarines in it because otherwise the bowl was a little empty. I'm sat there eating my bowl when... my tounge swells and throbs and my gums are searing with pain. It is the same symptoms as the passionfruit but worse, I don't want to accept it but I have to...I am now allergic to pineapple. I'm not gonna lie I cried a tad because I knew I could no longer enjoy the best tasting fruit in the world because of the barrier that keeps us apart. My favourite fruit forcibly knocked off the list.
WHAAAAAHHHHHHH :( I don't know what to do anymore!!! No more Pick-me-up Pineapple :(

In other news I had a dream which was basically to this song and it was my exam results. The happy part is the wolfpack walking to school, then we are all in the queue to get our results and then it is me going to the center by myself, scared but excited to find them out. Then the first sad part is the opening my results, we don't know the results but my face looks so fallen and dissapointed. I close it and leave the hall and start walking alone. The song picks up for my walk to a field somewhere along the way the music becomes sad again and there I am sat in the middle of this field. Just sitting with the music playing and then it fades out.
We never do find out the results but I think you can guess what they were along the lines of :L

In conclusion I have breached a dark day in my life and my dreams possibly have really sad premonitions.

Ciao ;)